Excessive Cellphone Use Harm Humans, Brain? I guess more to our wallets.

I came across an article from gmanews.tv about recent studies whose findings revealed that heavy exposure to radiation from cellphones and cell sites can lead to memory defects, brain damage and pregnancy complications.

I adhere to the Filipino adage that everything excessive isn't good. (Loose English translation of "lahat ng sobra masama". I don't see anything wrong if we use our cellphones moderately, not just because of health considerations but also of financial and environmental concerns.

Images via wylio.com - collated and collaged.

Harmful effects of cellphone use has long been debated by scientists and up to now, there is still no conclusive evidence of cellphone harmful effects. The findings of the study cited in the article were against mice, rats and rabbits. I would argue that the human body and human brain is made more special, complex and may respond differently.

In one of the studies, mice exposed to two hours per day of radio frequency emissions from a transmitting cellphone were less able to to learn and rerun mazes, suggesting that cellphone radiation might impair spatial memory -- the kind of recall that helps us navigate from place to place.

I just talked with my GF moments ago for about 3 minutes and I immediately forgot what I was about to do prior to her call. I used my cellphone more for texting and other functions like games, alarm clock and calculator. If anything, I risk finger strain and arthritis on my hands at the worst.

The ubiquitous use of cellphone by Filipinos and the world in general is just about four decades. I think it would require a longer time frame to study the significant effects of cellphones to humans.

But I would advocate moderation in its use not only because of health concerns. Excessive use of cellphones thru calling is not economical (unless unlimited service is availed). Granted that cellphones are designed for longer talk time, heavy use in calls will accelerate the discharge of its battery. To recharge a cellphone requires energy and additional cost in power.

Also since the study points out possible harmful effects on the brain, it make sense for heavy cellphone users to place their cellphones as far away as possible. Headsets and hand's free gadgets can help excessive cellphone users continue with the call but lessening their exposure.

How long do you celebabad with your cellphones? Oh, well. Use your cellphone excessively at your own wallet's risk.


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